Day 38 – Pie Town

Hello Grace tribe! She Hammered out a 120 mile day yesterday and made it to Grants. Grace had a great day with 5500 feet of climbing and wind that was mostly in her favor. She sounded full of energy last night on the phone.

Today she made it to Pie Town and looks forward to a well deserved treat here!

This is its folks, the home stretch! Grace is onto finishing this thing this week! What a phenomenal feet! Please share her blog on your social media to bring everyone in to cheer her on this week as she crosses the finish line. It’s going to be EPIC!


2768 – 2420 = 348 miles to go!


Daily WordPress Blog and daily posting on the trail.

Where is Grace? Track her in real time.

Listen to Grace from the trail.

Fund Grace

Get in touch with Grace, Contact

6 thoughts on “Day 38 – Pie Town

  1. Vicki Mitchell

    Oh Grace you are almost there 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 I’m so excited for you I just wish I could be there when you ride in 🚴‍♂️🚴‍♂️ Sending you love for the final stretch

  2. Melissa WoodMelissa

    Graaaaaaaciiiieeeeeee!!!!!!! Girl, I am so stoked following your adventure! Can’t wait for you to cross the finish line this week! You need to go live on Facebook when you do. You rock my amazing friend!!!!! 😘😘😘😘😘😘

  3. Koreen

    Can’t wait to see you finish Grace!! What a phenomenal adventure and accomplishment. You got this, girl! Enjoy it!


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